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Oak Green School

Subject - PE and Sport




Why do we teach what we teach? (Our intent)


It is our intent that all pupils leaving Oak Green School are physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.  To achieve this, we have set up a plan for PE and sport in our school, incorporating the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding.  We expect to see an improvement against the following 5 key indicators:


Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity promoting healthy active lifestyles

The profile of PE and Sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and Sport

Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Continue to increase our participation in competitive sport


How do we teach it? (Our implementation)


We offer a very wide variety of sporting opportunities to all children in both lessons and competitive events for children with and without obvious and hidden disabilities. We run an inclusive, varied and challenging programme of physical education.


Our PE scheme of work involves all children through a variety of different activities, from Nursery to Y6, that encompasses indoor PE – gymnastics (‘real gym’) - floor, small and large apparatus – across: coordination, balances, agility, ball skills and dance - and outdoor skills - sports including ball and team games and mini and full sports, including: football, netball and basketball, tag rugby, hockey, tennis, rounders, cricket and athletics. Specific provision and events for children with SEN are differentiated accordingly and a close relationship with our SSCO in relation to SEN has enabled our children to be part of the competitive sporting environment at OGS including Boccia, team building and fencing. In addition, see ‘Clubs’ for information on further sport opportunities, such as, cheerleading, street dance, cross country, football (both boys and girls), netball and tag rugby.


In Early Years Foundation Stage 1 and 2, children have provision to meet their Physical Development area of learning - one of seven areas in the EYFS - to develop a child's movement, handling of objects, understanding of their body and health and levels of self-care. Reception enjoy weekly indoor/outdoor sessions alongside their outdoor learning.


In KS1 (Year 1 and 2), indoor PE and outdoor PE are timetabled for all children and involves them in a varied programme that includes the 6 strands (‘cogs’) of ‘real PE’: Balance, Coordination & Agility, Personal skills, Social skills, Cognitive skills, Applying Physical Skills, Creative skills and Knowledge and Understanding of Health and Fitness.


At KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6), the children again have both indoor and outdoor PE sessions and build upon the 6 areas of the scheme and a programme which also includes swimming in year 4, competitive games and learning about the importance of personal bests.


What is the difference that this makes? (Our impact)


Through effective learning in PE we promote access to a very wide range of sports and experiences and opportunity to participate in competitive events. Young people’s health, safety and wellbeing develops and we hope that we inspire our young people to be participants in sports and active lifestyles for life and can demonstrate resilience, personal social skills and good team play. Please see our ‘PE and Sport Premium’ for evaluation of our spending and outcomes.

Long Term Plans

PE, Sports and Active Lifestyle Links

At Oak Green we know how to keep active.

Here are some amazing resources for when you're not at school!







Real PE

At home learning with real PE at home

real PE at home provides meaningful home learning for EVERY child with games, activities and challenges, all aligned to your real PE curriculum.


RealPE at home & How to use real PE at home

RealPE at home personal best record sheets EYFS/Key Stage 1 / Key Stage 2

RealPE at home EYFS/Key Stage 1 weekly timetables week 1/2, week 3/4, week 5/6

RealPE at home Key Stage 2 weekly timetables week 1/2, week 3/4, week 5/6

Get dancing, with these online videos

Jump Start Jonny’s fun workouts and chill-out videos are loved by over 250,000 Jumpsters, you can be one too.

Just Dance Videosfree online dance videos to current and classic songs which can be completed in a small space.

Supermovers Fun curriculum linked resources to get your class moving while they learn

Les Mills 20 or 40-minute class is jam-packed with cool music and foundation fitness moves and fun games

Change4Life Train like a Jedi it’s time to get your kids active as they learn to master the ways of the Jedi


Fitness fun with these online resources

Joe Wicks’ 5 minute workouts for kids is a selection of shorter workouts for primary children.

GoNoodle lots of fun videos, games and off-screen activities

Disney 10 minute shake ups at home games to play featuring some well loved Disney/Pixar characters

Cosmic Kids Yoga – yoga videos ranging from 5 to 30 minutes available via YouTube


Play a sport? Try these sport activities at home

FUNetics is a primary school resource from England Athletics and they've published these FUN activities

DodgeFive@home from British Dodgeball provides games that can be played at home to develop skills like throwing, catching and dodging.

Extra-time FA Football activities explore football activities that you can do at home to keep you on top of your game

Girls Football

Sport in the Community - click on the link to find out more information

See the Newsletters section on the website for all the termly club offerings.