More Able Learners
Why do we teach what we teach? (Our intent)
To build upon the learner’s prior knowledge of a specific subject and tailor the learning to their individual needs. This will be based on the child’s particular approach to learning and will include opportunities, awe and wonder. This vision necessitates that we provide the necessary foundations for all students to achieve their full potential.
How do we teach it? (Our implementation)
The provision for our gifted and talented students is the responsibility of all teaching and support staff. They will provide challenging activities with scaffolding, support and resources as appropriate, e.g. extension and enrichment activities and target questions and work to challenge the thinking of gifted students. Real world learning opportunities are catered to each learner’s particular skill/talent.
What is the difference that this makes? (Our impact)
High quality personalised teaching will ensure learners progress in their specific talent. In addition to providing memorable, worthwhile and challenging experiences we work with all staff to achieve an environment where success, aspiration and achievement are core values.