Subject - Maths
Why do we teach what we teach? (Our intent)
Maths is a core curriculum subject and life skill, meaning that it is seen as knowledge which is essential to your child’s future success both in education and in adult life. At Oak Green, we teach children to foster a belief in themselves that they will be proficient and passionate mathematicians by making maths an engaging and fun subject. We want every child to be fluent in their knowledge of mathematical facts and vocabulary (for example: number bonds; multiplication tables; mathematical facts such as how many grams in a kilogramme and days of the week); confident in their use of mental maths and efficient at using both informal and standard written methods for the four rules of number. We want children to be able to use their understanding of number and calculation skills to solve every day mathematical problems. We want our children to recognise and understand relationships and patterns in numbers in the world around them. We expect mathematics to be utilised as a tool beyond the daily mathematics lessons and beyond the classroom. In addition to this, we want children to have a secure understanding of a wider range of mathematical topics such as fractions, measure and geometry and to use their knowledge and skills to reason and problem solve. In order for all children to be engaged in their maths learning we will teach them to be brave, inquisitive and independent learners who feel good about themselves as mathematicians. We aim to ensure we achieve this through our teaching.
How do we teach it? (Our implementation)
At Oak Green we use a mastery approach to teaching, embracing the five big ideas of mastery:
- connecting new ideas to existing knowledge and understanding;
- using a concrete (maths equipment) à pictorial (diagrams) and abstract (calculations only) approach to teaching new mathematical ideas;
- developing mathematical reasoning through investigation and discussion;
- quick and proficient recall of facts (e.g. multiplication tables) and procedures (e.g. calculation methods);
- showing new ideas in lots of different ways and in different types of questions.
As the basis for our curriculum we use White Rose Maths. We have daily maths lessons, focusing on a particular area of maths, building up our knowledge over the course of the unit. Mathematical language is a key focus in all maths lessons, using effective questioning to explore concepts more deeply. We revisit previously learned concepts in order to retain key skills and encourage children to investigate using real life maths stories. We also incorporate maths in other areas of the curriculum for example measuring and weighing in our Topic focused lessons and statistics and recording in Science.
We supplement our curriculum with Time Tables Rockstars, Cracking Times Tables and MyMaths for online blended learning and have maths focused themed-days to create interest and creative responses to maths in the children.
What is the difference that this makes? (Our impact)
At Oak Green, children love maths. They have a secure recall of facts, are confident with procedures and enjoy the challenge of reasoning to solve mathematical problems. Oak Green pupils can talk about their maths, and are fluent problem solvers who can apply their skills to the world outside of school and in their future lives. All children are challenged and become self-aware learners, well informed characters, who have a thirst for learning and see it as a route to maximising their life chances.